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Hyper-Reality of Reputation: Intel Ultimate Gaming Experience

Reputation is one of the most important assets for a brand. It is the way a brand is regarded in the eyes of individuals. A brand’s reputation indicates to the consumer on whether the brand/organization can be trusted with their time, energy and money. Established brands can spend thousands of dollars on their digital and offline branding efforts such as creating a new website, blogging, online advertisement, search engine marketing and contests — all of which can increase traffic, clicks and even sales. But reputation cannot be bought, it is achieved through conscious and continuous efforts of improvement.

Hyper reality is the blend of reality and fiction, there is no contrast between both. It is the ability of an organization to offer potential customers an experience using their products. The target market is given the opportunity to feel and test the product in order to arouse interest in buying.

Brandlife limited is a marketing agency that uses this system of hyper-reality to build the reputation of brands. We are very happy to support and help brands achieve positive reputation seamlessly using the best experiential marketing strategies that engage stakeholders and bring brands to life. We create stimulating activities that can mimic the use and essence of the products to an individual.

Using this approach of hyper-reality of reputation, Brandlife limited organized an ‘Ultimate Gaming Experience’ for the foremost technology company, Intel. The activity comprised of individuals who are solely gamers compete in a football tournament. Intel-powered laptops were used in playing the FIFA’19 soccer game. Within a period of 3 days, over 900 people showed up to participate in the activity. We created an engaging experience at the Ikeja City Mall and at the end of the event, the 2019 Intel Ultimate Gamer was crowned. The feel and excitement around the event will create a reputation and a long-lasting ripple effect for both gamers and non-gamers present at the event.

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